An annual shareholder meeting is one of the main ways in which a company decides its future. Not only is it the right time to gauge the success of investments, but it also gives shareholders the opportunity to discuss business challenges and strategies.   What should be discussed at a shareholders’ meeting? A meeting of …

Syndicates are used by businesses and organizations of all shapes and sizes to achieve their goals more effectively. By joining a syndicate, you can turn teamwork into a cornerstone of your financial strategies.   What is a syndicate? A syndicate is a group of businesses or individuals who have united with a common interest in …

Being part of an election administration can be a daunting task. When running an election, there are many things to consider and many more that can go wrong. There are two main ways to manage an election: either you run it by yourself or partner with a team of voting specialists.    Self-service: creating and …

A democracy is more than just the right to vote once every four years. In a democracy, the government exists first and foremost for the people and by the people. The practice of free and fair elections gives us the power to decide our futures and change our countries for the better.   What are …

Organizing fair and proper elections is a responsibility of all unions, from long-standing institutions with hundreds of members across several countries to newly formed associations. If an election is perceived to be unjust, that may lead to time-consuming and expensive investigations, ending up with the process being overturned.   What does it mean for an …

No two workplaces are the same, and the needs of workers change. For this reason, unions play a crucial role in the creation of a healthy work environment. Unions allow the voice of the labor force to be heard, leading to the development of safe and fair workplaces. For example, the Financial Services Union protects …

Online voting has the potential to improve every aspect of an election. As more people begin to embrace using technology to improve the processes around them, paper voting may become a thing of the past. To the untrained eye, however, it may be difficult to recognize what features are vital for an efficient online voting …

Online voting promises to revolutionize the way elections are held. The implementation of remote online voting software opens the gate for many people, even those who were previously disenfranchised, to have their voices heard. By using an online voting solution, both election organizers and voters can have a more enjoyable experience when it is time …

Online voting systems are rapidly becoming the innovative strategy of choice when handling elections. While the concept of voting and elections online is novel enough to create confusion and distrust among many, new developments in online network security and reliability promise to change the way we handle elections in the future.    What is an …

In a democracy, voting is an integral part of citizen life. In a similar way to central aspects of our daily lives, like the way we consume  news or communicate with each other, voting can be made easier and more efficient with the help of digital solutions.   What is online voting? Also known as …